Knijn & Damsma offers the hotel a quality package of services in the form of, among other things: a first cleaning after the architectural completion, an exchange cleaning, a stay-over or a major cleaning. All our cleaning products are green and sustainable and we work with the Green Label. Knijn & Damsma goes further than just cleaning the hotel rooms; we are concerned with professional cleaning of the “total picture”. The hotel guest assesses the quality of the cleaning from the first moment he enters the hotel. The lobby, reception, sanitary facilities, lifts, galleries, stairways and all other common areas of the hotel require at least as professional cleaning.
Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we make even more use of our Clean Air machine. This is an air purifier that purifies and effectively cleans the air. When we use the advanced Clean Air machine, the (breathing) air is cleaned within 20 minutes.